Overview of the SFM Billing Process
Modified on: Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 9:23 AM
SFM procures all the vehicles in the State Fleet Management (SFM) program. SFM in turn, bills each agency a fixed lease rate, as well as a variable rate for the use of the vehicle. Each vehicle is billed 2 lines every month, a fixed cost and a variable cost. The total fixed-rate consists of the monthly lease payment, telematics fee, and the SFM management fee. The total variable rate is a per-mile cost, based on fuel and maintenance for the vehicle and the insurance rate.
It is necessary to have mileage entered or uploaded in CARS each month for billing purposes, as the variable rate is based on these entries. The billing cycle, each month, starts on 22nd and ends on the 21st of the following month. Billing runs 2 consecutive business days after the last day of the billing cycle. For example, the billing cycle for the month of August is 7/22 to 8/21 and billing would run on 8/23 (provided the 22 and 23 were consecutive business days).
Odometer entries are due one week before the billing date. All odometer readings should be in CARS by this due date, whether by upload or manual entry. For vehicles that have a Geotab telematics device installed, SFM will upload the odometer readings one day prior to the due date. The uploaded odometers should be reviewed by the appropriate personnel before billing runs, one week later. Odometer readings with discrepancies should be manually adjusted in CARS and reported to the billing department, dpa_sfmbilling@state.co.us, as soon as possible. Please refer to SFM's billing schedule as needed.
This overview is broken into two parts. Part one is a higher-level overview of the entire billing process and part two dives into the more intricate pieces of the billing process.
Billing Overview Part 1 covers the following: (NEW! Updated, downloadable SlideDeck)
- What is Billing?:1:00
- The Billing Cycle: 3:19
- Prebilling Processes-coding changes, internal transfers, and odometers: 4:42
- Billing: 24:10
- Post Billing: 25:03
Please note: If you experience low video quality, download the video to resolve any issues.
Billing Overview Part 2 reviews the following: (Downloadable SlideDeck)
- Atypical Billing Processes: 2:45
- Vehicle Assignments: 9:52
- Billing History in CARS: 13:11
- Coding Changes: 21:06
- Internal Transfer and Coding Change Form: 23:55
- CDU Structure/Changes: 36:45
Please note: Vehicles totaled in an Accident or considered to be UERs (Uneconomical Repair), were incorrectly identified as being a reason for the collection of revenue via a manual bill. Generally, the remaining revenue of a totaled or UER vehicle is not collected from the agency. This should have stated, "Vehicles turned in prior to the completion of lease payments will have remaining revenue collected via a manual bill. This is often for vehicles that have reached their end of life faster than expected, ie those vehicles that reached their mileage limits sooner than anticipated."
References in videos:
- SFM Billing Coordinator: dpa_sfmbilling@state.co.us
- SFM Support & Training Team: dpa_sfmtraining_support@state.co.us
- Geotab Odometer Upload Review Process
- Internal Transfer Form New form now included coding changes!
- Odometer Entry How-To
- Running Odometer History Report (Only available after billing runs)
- SFM Deadline Schedule
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