Drivers are responsible for ensuring the maintenance of their vehicle is completed. The driver must use a State Fleet approved vendor.  There are two ways to find an approved vendor in CARS.

First, you can find a vendor using the Vendor Module:

  1. Under the Utilities tab select Vendor then select Vendor Maintenance.
  2. When the Vendor Maintenance window opens, click on the Find tab. On that page choose the “Find” tab.
  3. Enter any of the following information:
  • Status: Active (mandatory to get an active vendor)
  • Use the Vendor Type is a dropdown to select the type of vendor
  • Enter the name of the city to narrow down the choices by location. 
  • Enter the vendor name or address; use the wildcard % with the name IE: %stone

Image of the Find Screen of the Vendor Maintenance Module in CARS:

There are two State Garages referred to as “GEM Garages” These garages will provide basic services such as oil changes or inspections. If it becomes more involved they will sub it out to one of our current vendors. The locations are:

  • CSP 15203 W 12 Ave, Golden 303 273-1666
  • CDOT 4210 E Arkansas Ave, Denver 303 757-9260

Second, download a list of vendors from the Customer Report menu (before you begin, use the Printer Setup option from the File menu to select your printer):

  1. Under the Customer Reports menu, select Report Selection
  2. Use the dropdown in the Reporting Category field to select Maintenance
  3. Click on the Active Vendors report in the Report Name box then click the Run button
  4. The report will appear on the screen; you can print or save the report in two formats:
  • Use the Printer Icon button to save or print the report in .pdf format
  • Use the Save As Icon button (to the right of the printer icon) to save the report as a CSV with headers file which can be opened in Excel

Note: It is critical that the driver inform the repair facility that the vehicle is part of Colorado State Fleet and the vendor must call SFM for authorization prior to starting any repairs, maintenance, or diagnostics.

After Hours Assistance 5:00pm to 7:00am and weekends, call the National Automobile Club (NAC) at 1-800-328-7272 Account #8503759-000.