This video series will review the reporting functionality in Geotab. The series is broken into three separate videos for maximum efficiency.

In the first video, Running Reports in Geotab, you will learn how to search for and run reports, the basic functionality within a report, as well as, how to download reports. This video is applicable to any Geotab user, regardless of access level.

The second video reviews how to customize reports in Geotab; it is available in two different versions (level 1 and level 2). The Level 1 Customizing Reports in Geotab video covers basic customizing options. The Level 2 Customizing Reports in Geotab video covers everything in the Level 1 video, plus additional advanced customizations. Although both versions are geared toward the Primary Fleet Coordinator (Group Administrator), all users with Group Administrator or Group Supervisor access can customize reports for their respective group(s), with varying abilities. Customizing reports requires some knowledge of Excel. Excel is Fun is a good resource to gain more knowledge.

The third and final video, Distributing Reports in Geotab, provides instructions as to how to distribute reports in Geotab, either via the Dashboard or through email automation. Users with Group Administrator and Group Supervisor access can set up the distribution of reports for their respective group(s).

Please Note:

  • Depending on your access level, you may or may not be able to perform all the tasks shown in the videos.
  • If you experience low video quality, download the video to resolve any issues.