Naming Conventions in Geotab
Modified on: Thu, Jan 30, 2025 at 12:41 PM
ATTENTION: The MyGeotab Navigation Menu and User Interface will be updated for all State of Colorado Fleet users! This new menu may reorganize menu items and screens in ways that may be unfamiliar. We encourage you to use the “Search” bar at the top of the new navigation menu format .
Naming Convention for Customized Reports, Zones, Rules, etc.
Because there are 19 cabinets in the State Fleet Management (SFM) group, we have adopted a standard naming convention to be used throughout the Geotab system. We ask that all end users adhere to this naming convention when creating custom reports, zones, rules, or any other available function specific to their agency. This will allow SFM staff to easily identify the agency to which the functions belong.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please note the URL to access the Geotab system has changed since this webinar was recorded. The new URL is
Generic Naming Convention for Zones, Reports, Rules, etc.
See image in next section for the naming convention specific to EV Charging Home Reimbursement.
SFM has established a specific naming convention for these items in the Geotab system.
This webinar explains this in more detail. (Important!! Watch this short EV Home Charging Naming Convention video first, if looking to set up Zones for EV Home Charging. Watch this short Zone Type Naming Convention EV Charging video first, if looking to set up Zone Type for EV Home Charging.) The Zone Name is limited to 40 Characters or Less.
Naming Convention for EV Charging Home Reimbursement Zone Type
Naming Convention for EV Charging Home Reimbursement Zone
Vehicle Naming Convention
SFM has established a specific naming convention for the vehicles that are in the Geotab system.
This webinar (Vehicle Naming Convention in Geotab) explains this in more detail.
Things NOT to Include in your Element Names
UnifyingThere are some characters that will interfere with the way report processing works that you should be mindful not to include when applying names to zones, assets, rules or anything else within MyGeotab:
- Do not include the comma symbol: " , "
- Do not include the dash symbol: " - "
- Unless your zone or asset name meets the specific criteria above, do not include the asterisk or tilde symbols: " * " or " ~ "
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