Agency Telematics Installation Work Flow Chart, Desk Aid, and Handling & Receiving Process
Modified on: Thu, Jan 30, 2025 at 10:45 AM
Telematics Handling & Receiving Process (PDF)
Once State Fleet Management (SFM) has notified your agency that its vehicles are on the schedule for the telematics rollout, please refer to the Geotab Installation Coordination Process. You can also watch the full presentation of the process. The document provides an overview of the installation process along with valuable information about specific actions that both SFM and the Fleet Coordinator are responsible for throughout the process.
Third-Party Installations - We are providing our Installation Device Checklist as an example in case you decide to implement a check-in/check-out process for devices.
The Geotab Desk Aid for Agencies is a great resource that breaks down the roles and responsibilities between SFM and agency Fleet Coordinators for telematics. This is a downloadable document that can be printed out and used as a handy reference when addressing telematics-related issues or processes.
The Telematics Handling & Receiving Process guide for agencies is a handy resource that runs through the process of receiving and handling telematics devices should you decide to receive them at your location. Get an idea of what the shipment will look like, what items you will see and need to inventory inside, as well as, warnings, notes, troubleshooting tips, and FAQs.
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