Internal transfers and coding changes have both similarities and differences. They both have the same deadline, one week prior to billing. They are both requested on the same Internal Transfers and Coding Changes form (downloads in Excel) and sent to You will receive an email reply confirming the requested changes have been made in CARS. 

The difference between the two is the assignment of a vehicle is different with an internal transfer and with a coding change, the assignment remains the same.

Vehicle Internal Transfers

When the Fleet Coordinator moves a vehicle to another department and/or unit within the cabinet, an internal transfer must be completed. Once the vehicle is physically moved, the Fleet Coordinator must complete the form and send it to SFM. SFM will then move the vehicle accordingly in the appropriate applications (CARS, Geotab, and ChargePoint). It is important for the Fleet Coordinator to enter correct and complete information on the form, including CORE coding and verifying the correct utilization code is selected for the new assignment.

Coding Changes*

When the assignment of a vehicle remains the same, but updates to the coding are necessary, a request for coding changes should be submitted to SFM. When requesting coding changes be made, only the To fields are necessary to complete. If necessary, the Fleet Coordinator should consult with his/her Accounting team to ensure correct and complete coding is submitted.

Spreadsheet preview in Microsoft Excel

How to fill out the form

Instructions are also listed on the Information tab of the form/spreadsheet. Be sure to fill out the form completely.

  1. Enter Agency Name (and Department, if applicable).

  2. Enter the effective date. The effective date can be backdated as far back as the day after the last billing (21st of the month). For example, if today’s date is 5/5/2020, the oldest date of the new assignment will be 4/22/20. 

  3. Enter vehicle information-Plate, mileage, county, and utilization code (dropdown)

  4. Check the box to indicate the type of change, internal transfer, or coding change.

  5. If requesting an internal transfer, complete coding fields in the From and To section, 

  6. If requesting coding changes, complete the fields in the To section . 

  7. Once complete, email the form to

NOTE: This form only lists the most common coding elements. If your agency uses another element not listed, add a column to the form with the coding element and coding. For example, some vehicles may have coding for a sub-location.

*Please refer to our article, CORE vs CARS Coding for further information.